Luxury tray

Project data

  • Year
  • Tipology
    Product design
  • Client
    Sawaya & Moroni


“For me to draw a plate is always been an architect’s pleasure. Since when, in the 80’s, I designed those silver and stone’s trays- that now we see in the auctions-shaped like imaginary arcade’s courts, populated by little temples for tea, coffee, milk…
Many years later it’s with the same pleasure I design trays again. And here a new idea that becames instantly a sketch, with pencil and pastels, and a little later two surprising micro-architecture…

On a shiny rectangular silver surface, modeled like a stormy sea, a perfect prism floats in the middle. A thick crystalline mass that refract the incident rays of light and the silvery glows of the base on which is lays.
The mass refract and project the rays of light – like through deforming lenses – on its external faces, smooth and transparent, producing anamorphoses that continuously change at the minimum variation of the gaze. The white sea.

On its analogous and opposite, again on a rectangular shiny silvery surface, shaped like a stormy sea, another perfect prism. This time the thick crystalline mass is blood-red-fluo  coloured and it isn’t floating, but – turned over – sinks its plane surface in to the silver, from which it emerges slightly, facing with its fire-light waves the metallic-light waves that surrounded the mass. The red sea.”

Mario Bellini

Mar Rosso e Mar Bianco – Suggestion